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SoundWave Database Review Tool Download Page

This page includes information on the download, installation and use of the SoundWave Database Review Tool. This tool is intended for use by professionals responsible for the care of Advanced Bionics patients with a HiRes Ultra or HiRes Ultra 3D cochlear implant.


This software is compatible with Windows 7 and 10.

The software must be installed on a computer with an active installation of SoundWave 3.2.


The downloaded file is an executable (.exe) file. The file should be copied to the computer you wish to use for analysis. The computer must have a Windows operating system (Windows 7 or 10). The computer must have an active installation of SoundWave 3.2.


Double-click the icon for the executable file to open the user interface.

The software will automatically connect to the database used by SoundWave 3.2.

–  The connected database is displayed in the interface

–  The connected database can be changed by these steps

  • Close the SoundWave Database Review Tool
  • Open SoundWave 3.2
  • Establish a connection to the desired database
  • Close SoundWave 3.2
  • Open the SoundWave Database Review Tool
  • The desired database should be connected automatically

Enter the name of your center (required).

Enter the user name (required).

Indicate if patient name should be included in the report (checkbox).

If available, enter a RADIUS Case ID (optional).

Click “Start Analysis” to review files in the connected database.

The progress bar will update automatically.

Once complete, two reports will be generated automatically.

The detailed report will include a summary of findings and a full Device List.

The summary report will only include the Summary Section.


  • Total devices analyzed 
  • Number of “High Match” devices
  • Number of “Moderate Match” devices
  • Number of unanalyzed devices due to “not enough measurement data”
  • Number of devices where there was “No Problem Detected”


Each device in the database will be included in the appropriate section, based on the analysis.

The section includes patient name (if selected when running the report) and device identifiers. Intellilink ID and Implant Side are extracted from the SoundWave Database. The Serial Number will be available for all V1 devices, but may not be displayed for later versions.

Devices with a “High” or “Moderate” match to known impedance patterns should be reviewed and discussed with your local Advanced Bionics Representative.