- - - - Adult Candidacy Quiz - - -
I have difficulty following conversations without lip reading. | |
I hear pretty well in quiet environments, but struggle in noisy environments or when in a group. | |
I cannot follow most telephone conversations, especially if I don’t know the person calling. | |
I feel isolated and limited, both socially and occupationally, because of my hearing loss. |
- - - - Child Candidacy Quiz - - -
My child has delayed speech and language development as a result of his or her hearing loss. | |
My child child rarely responds to his or her name. | |
My child avoids social interaction or lacks the appropriate skills to interact with other children or adults. | |
I have concerns about my child's ability to hear speech in noisy environments. |
- - - - We're here to help form - - -
- - - - Start your own Journey form - - -