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Cochlear Implant Sound Processing Designed to Help You Understand Speech and Enjoy Music 

Most performance-focused cochlear implant system

Marvel CI is not only designed to be effective and reliable, it also delivers great sound quality. That's why musicians and engineers choose AB when it comes to their and their children’s hearing.

What's inside matters

AB’s unique cochlear implant sound processing technologies such as current steering and independent output circuits allow you or your child to hear five times more specific sounds than any other CI.

What does that mean? Imagine the keyboard of a piano. Whereas other implants may allow you to hear only every fifth note on the keyboard, HiRes Ultra 3D would allow you to hear, and differentiate, all the keys on that piano.

In everyday life, AB’s CI system can help you or your child hear all the details of sound: birds chirping, rain falling, the various layers of music. For your child, it allows them to hear all the details necessary to understand speech and develop strong language skills. 1-3

This is one of the reasons why Marvel CI has been determined by an independent agency to be the Most Performance-Focused Cochlear Implant System. 4

Interactive 3D Ear Model with AB Technology

  1. Sound Processing designed to let people hear more distinct pitches than any other CI system. 
  2. CI Electrode designed to be gentle on the inner ear while providing a great hearing experience. It can be smoothly inserted in the cochlea, minimizing the risk of trauma (red)   while providing great cochlear coverage (blue).          
  3. Magnet designed to provide a hassle-free and pain-free MRI experience. Our multi-magnet assembly is designed to ensure no pain or discomfort during MRI scans compared to other systems.

"Percival Roosevelt Wilkinson is now seven years old and in the second grade. He hears, he speaks, and he loves to sing along to the Beatles. He's learning to play the guitar, the drums, and the piano. Every single day, we think about how lucky we are to have had this opportunity to give our son hearing."

– Meghan Carey, mother to Percy who hears with two AB CIs

Clinically proven cochlear implant sound processing to help you hear speech better in noise

ClearVoice* is the industry’s first and only sound processing which can help you understand speech better, even in noisy places.5 This unique feature separates the distracting noises from the voices you want to hear, so that you can enjoy conversations with ease. It can even help you better understand the words of that great song you just heard on the radio.

For children, ClearVoice has also been proven to help them understand speech better in noise, such as busy classrooms. 6

Let artificial intelligence help you hear better everywhere

The sounds on the beach is different from family movie night or dinner at a restaurant. Marvel CI’s AutoSense OS 3.0 Operating System can sense the sounds around you and use artificial intelligence to automatically give you the right blend of settings, programs, and features to help you hear your best.

Designed by engineers at Phonak, AutoSense gives you better hearing in noise, without the need to make adjustments. You can move through your day without worrying about having the best hearing experience.

For children, AutoSense Sky OS 3.0 is the world’s-first sound processing steering feature designed just for them. It is made for places like classrooms and playgrounds, so that you can have peace of mind that wherever your child goes, their CI system will be set to help them hear their best.

I love being able to put on the processors and forget about what program I am in because it’s all done automatically.

– Melinda Hayden, retiree & AB CI mentor
infograph marvel ci autosense os 3 point 0

Natural microphone placement for better hearing

Our ears are shaped this way for a reason. It helps to collect sounds and let our brains know whether sounds are coming from in front or behind us.

Unlike other CI solutions that have microphones on the sound processor behind-the-ear or on the head, only AB offers the patented T-Mic microphone placed at the opening of the ear canal. Having a microphone here takes advantage of the outer ear’s natural sound-gathering abilities.

In fact, the T-mic is clinically proven to help you know where sounds are coming from,7,8,9 give better sound quality, and improve speech understanding in difficult listening situations.10

Even when not using a M T-Mic, AB’s Real Ear Sound can deliver similar T-Mic benefits! This means if you’re wearing the sound processor off the ear, you won’t be losing out.

profile of a child with marvel cochlear implant secured on the ear

Did you know? Marvel CI is the industry’s Most Performance-Focused Cochlear Implant System. 4

  1. Firszt JB, Koch DB, Downing M, Litvak L. (2007) Current steering creates additional pitch percepts in adult cochlear implant recipients. Otology and Neurotology, 28(5):629-636.

  2. Quick A, Koch DB, Osberger MJ. (2007). HiResolution with Fidelity 120 Sound Processing: Listening Benefits in CII and HiRes 90K Implant Users. Poster Presentation at the Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, July 15-20, Lake Tahoe, CA.

  3. Mirza S, Douglas SA, Lindsey P, Hildreth T, Hawthorne M. (2003). Appreciation of Music in Adult Patients with Cochlear Implants. Cochlear Implants International. 4(2): 85-95.

  4. Data on file: D000033020

  5. Advanced Bionics. (2012). ClearVoice Clinical Results. White paper.

  6. Schramm D, Pickard E, Beauregard Y, Moran L. (2010). Evaluation of the ClearVoice Strategy in Children using HiResolution Fidelity 120 Sound Processing. Poster Presentation at the 11th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies, Stockholm, SE. June 30-July 3.

  7. Summerfield AQ, Kitterick PT. (2010). Effects of microphone location on the performance of bilateral cochlear implants. Advanced Bionics White Paper.

  8. Jones HG, Kan A, Litovsky RY. (2016). The Effect of Microphone Placement on Interaural Level Differences and Sound Localization Across the Horizontal Plane in Bilateral Cochlear Implant Users. Ear and hearing, 37(5), e341 e345.

  9. Mayo PG, Goupell MJ. (2020). Acoustic factors affecting interaural level differences for cochlear implant users. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(4), EL357.

  10. Gifford R. (2008). Speech Perception in a Realistic Background Noise: Effectiveness of Preprocessing Strategies and External Options for Improving the Signal-to-noise Ratio. Presentation at the 10th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies, San Diego, CA, April 10–12.